New York City

Historic island off of Brooklyn is center for transformative climate study

Climate Week NYC promises dozens of educational and interactive climate-themed experiences

August 21, 2024 Brooklyn Eagle Staff
The vision for Governor's Island as the world's foremost climate study center. Rendering courtesy of The Trust for Governors Island
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GOVERNORS ISLAND — On the tiny, historic island off of Brooklyn’s western coast, over 35 activities and events are scheduled for Climate Week in September. Governors Island is hosting climate-focused programs such as guided tours, workshops, film screenings and more to highlight its role as a growing resource for research and innovation in climate solutions for New York City and the world. 

“Our administration is setting the pace in the fight against climate change, activating $725 million in public investments to support the Harbor Climate Collaborative, building out our workforce to host 400,000 green jobs by 2040, and launching the Climate Exchange on Governors Island in the middle of New York Harbor,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer.

View from Outlook Hill. Photo by Sean Jamar
View from Outlook Hill. Photo by Sean Jamar

Climate Week NYC takes place from Sept. 22-29, 2024, and is organized by the Climate Group. Governors Island has climate and sustainability-oriented programming planned throughout the fall, with concentration on Climate Week events. Events on the island kick off on Sept. 21 with Climate Imaginarium, where participants design their own climate-themed game, and a Melting Metropolis & Community Sponsor Lab Walk. 

“Each year, Climate Week NYC offers a remarkable opportunity to witness firsthand how New York City is leading the fight against climate change and building a stronger, more equitable, and more resilient city,” said Clare Newman, president and CEO of the Trust for Governors Island. “Our calendar of events—Governors Island’s biggest Climate Week offering to date—highlights programming from the Trust, the Exchange, and the vibrant community of climate-focused tenants and partners here on the Island, shining a light on this extraordinary space’s evolution as a hub for urban climate solutions.” 

NYC Bird Alliance guided bird tour. Photo by Sean Jamar
NYC Bird Alliance guided bird tour. Photo by Sean Jamar

Other events on the island for the week include public art installations like Jenny Kendler’s “Other of the Pearl,” Sari Carel’s “A More Perfect Circle,” Victoria Vesna’s “Flower Waves”; seed collecting with the Bee Conservancy; walking tours with the Billion Oyster Project; and educational workshops and talks with New York University, Stony Brook University, University of Washington and others.

Clare Newman

In April 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and the Trust announced The Exchange as the anchor research and educational partner for Governors Island’s climate initiatives. The Exchange, a new nonprofit initiative established by Stony Brook University and a consortium of universities, businesses, and nonprofit organizations, will create a state-of-the-art, $700-million campus on Governors Island. This facility will be dedicated to educational programming, research, climate tech incubation and policy work aimed at advancing climate action in New York City and elsewhere around the world.  The full campus is scheduled to open to the public in 2028, but Exchange programming has already launched on Governors Island and around the city.

Climate Imaginarium. Photo by Julienne Schaer
Climate Imaginarium. Photo by Julienne Schaer

Climate Week NYC 2024 events on Governors Island are organized by the Trust, the Island’s community of partners and tenants, and The Exchange and its core partners. Events will take place across Governors Island, including at a new community convening space inside the former Our Lady Star of the Sea — a deconsecrated former military chapel located in the Island’s Historic District that features “Church,” Shantell Martin’s popular public artwork commissioned through Governors Island Arts, on its façade. This historic building has recently undergone upgrades to create an accessible indoor space for community events on Governors Island.

Meet the New York Climate Exchange Tour. Photo by Shannon Carroll
Meet the New York Climate Exchange Tour. Photo by Shannon Carroll

“Climate Week NYC attracts a global audience, and I’m excited that this year we’re creating a new “go-to” location and climate week experience,” said Stephen Hammer, CEO of The New York Climate Exchange. “Visitors can participate in discussions about the latest climate policy and finance discussions, meet dozens of climate tech entrepreneurs, and learn how innovators are trying to engage the public on climate issues through an arts and culture lens. Our programming will offer a sense of what we’ll do on a much bigger scale once our full Governors Island campus is operational in 2028.” 

Guided nature tour through The Hills. Photo by Julienne Schaer
Guided nature tour through The Hills. Photo by Julienne Schaer

Climate Week NYC is the largest climate event of its kind. With partners and tenants at the forefront of the climate solutions movement including Billion Oyster Project, the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School, Beam Center, Wind Support NYC, Buttermilk Labs and the New York Climate Exchange, Governors Island serves as a hub for climate education, activism and research through the arts, STEM and social activation. 

The Trust for Governors Island is the nonprofit corporation created by the City of New York that is responsible for the redevelopment and operation of 150 acres of Governors Island. The Trust’s mission is to realize the full potential of Governors Island for the inspiration and enjoyment of all New Yorkers, demonstrating a bold vision for public space.

Meet the New York Climate Exchange tour. Photo by Shannon Carroll
Meet the New York Climate Exchange tour. Photo by Shannon Carroll

For more information about the upcoming events and a full schedule, visit Governors Island’s website. Governors Island is reachable via ferry from Manhattan and Brooklyn. 

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