Brooklyn Heights

Brooklyn Eagle readers sound off over BQE rehab plan

What Our Readers Are Saying: December 14

December 14, 2018 Brooklyn Daily Eagle
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Brooklyn Daily Eagle editors welcome opinions, both pro and con, on all subjects affecting our daily lives, as well as responses to the articles and opinion pieces published in this paper.

Here is a selection of some of the more insightful and engaging comments from the last week. Want to contribute? Use Disqus at the bottom of the Eagle’s articles.


Re No matter how DOT repairs BQE, Brooklyn Heights Promenade will be out of commission for a long time (Dec. 12)

It’s unfortunate that the city has started with such limited and narrow options. It’s one form of traffic and pollution or another. In more enlightened cities (whether Seattle or Oslo), they bury the roadway underground.

“That should be the leading option here. If there’s a will, the money will be found. — JORALE-MAN (via Disqus)


“Just look at the photo that headlines this story. The construction in the Park underneath the Promenade just begs to be used as an alternate route for BQE traffic to Save the Promenade. Walk down to the Promenade and look down. It couldn’t be more obvious.” — GWC (via Disqus)


“I agree with Joan Simon’s conclusion that the entire roadway must be deflected to ground level during construction. But it may be possible for the promenade, which is one-third of a mile long, to be done in sections.

“That way at least portions of it might be accessible during the time of total reconstruction for the two traffic roadways below.” — MLCRARYVILLE (via Disqus)


“The construction is temporary; the negative impact on human lives can be permanent.” — ANN DOOLEY (via Disqus)


“I suspect by the time the reconstruction is done, the vast majority of commercial trucks and a great number of the cars will be electric.” — ANDREW PORTER (via Disqus)

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