A Health Plus leader and community activist

December 15, 2011 Editorial Staff
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Everyone in New York City and nearby Nassau County recognizesthe symbol for Health Plus’ marketing campaign – beautiful babieson a cloud. Under Tom Early’s leadership as chief executive officer(CEO), this not-for-profit organization has become one of thelargest providers of low-cost health care for children and adults,employing over 900 people.

A man of passion, since 1994 he has overseen the successfulexpansion and operation of the company to include products such asChild Health Plus, Medicaid Managed Care and two Medicare Advantageprograms, Health Plus Advantage, Medicare Advantage PrescriptionDrug Plan and Health Elite Special Needs Plan.

Thanks to his group, there are over 320,000 New Yorkers who receiveinsurance, enabling them to access quality medical care. This is aman who has made a difference.

He began his career with a degree from Downtown Brooklyn’s St.Francis College, where he believes he learned the values and ethicsthat held him in good stead throughout his career.

Although he is a licensed CPA, he has worked in the health careindustry for over 30 years. Health Plus was part of LutheranHospital, but a merger with national health care insurer Amerigroupwill separate them from the hospital.

Along with his work schedule, Early has dedicated himself to thecommunity. He serves on the boards of the Brooklyn Chamber ofCommerce, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Kingsborough CommunityCollege Foundation, Queens Health Coalition, the Brooklyn HealthInformation Exchange and the Association of Community AffiliatedPlans. He is a man who wears many hats and has balanced his role asCEO with being part of the many communities his organizationserves.

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