
Rep. Yvette Clarke praises renewal of Haiti’s Temporary Protected Status during that nation’s turmoil

June 28, 2024 Brooklyn Eagle Staff
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FLATBUSH AND WASHINGTON, D.C. — BROOKLYN CONGRESSMEMBER YVETTE D. CLARKE (D-09) IS COMMENDING the Biden Administration’s renewal, extension and redesignation of Haiti for Temporary Protected Status for 18 months. The Administration’s action to redesignate and extend Temporary Protected Status for Haitians residing in our nation could not come at a more pivotal moment,said Rep. Clarke, who represents Flatbush and other parts of central and eastern Brooklyn with a significant Haitian population.For years, our cherished Caribbean ally has remained in the grips of a devastating and destructive series of political, economic, and violent crises. It would be unconscionable for the United States to have returned innocent families to the dire and dangerous situation that Haiti is currently confronting. The decision will provide an estimated 309,000 Haitian nationals the safety and security they deserve while their country works to overcome its ongoing struggles.”

Rep. Clarke added,The United States owes a debt to Haiti – and this necessary decision represents but one step in the long road to repaying it.”


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