Adelphi Class of 2017 boasts 100% college acceptance rate
The Class of 2017 of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn is marching forward into the future after having maintained the school’s rich tradition of ensuring a 100 percent college acceptance rate.
The academy held its graduation ceremony earlier this month at its campus at 8515 Ridge Blvd. in Bay Ridge.
Many of the graduates fondly looked back on their time at Adelphi and expressed excitement about the future.
Class valedictorian Nicole Fabian delivered an address at the commencement. The oldest of three sisters enrolled at Adelphi, Fabian reflected on the sense of family that exists at the school. She also thanked her family for being a constant source of support and love throughout her academic journey. She will attend Adelphi University in the fall. Fabian said she hopes to pursue a degree in law and said she is interested in sports, entertainment or criminal law.
Fabian participated in a number of theatrical productions during her time at Adelphi Academy and said she will always remember the people and teachers who helped her succeed.
Among the awards Fabian received were the Sara Schau Memorial Award, dedicated to the memory of Adelphi’s longtime administrative secretary, and the Dr. Edwin N. Beery Award, inspired by the dedication and leadership of Beery, an ophthalmologist who had close ties to Adelphi Academy. Fabian was also given the Head’s Award, presented by Head of School Iphigenia Romanos.
Salutatorian Devron Woodson also delivered an address at the graduation ceremony. In his address, Woodson thanked the entire staff of faculty members and administrators for their help during his years at the academy. He will be pursuing a degree in computer science in the fall.
Ellen Jiang, a member of Adelphi’s International Scholars Academy, was presented with several awards, including the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and the Herbert W. Scott Award, named for a beloved math teacher at the academy. She plans to pursue a degree in mathematics at SUNY Albany in the fall.
At the ceremony, Jiang played a moving piano solo.
The award winners also included Agustin Melo Nicole Karnitskaya and Abdul Johnson.
Melo who has been at Adelphi since middle school, was presented with the Morris Charney Humanities Medal, sponsored by the Bay Ridge Community Council, and the Margaret A. Lowrie Plaque for his work on the Academy’s newspaper, The Adelphi Oracle.
Melo said he will miss the school’s different types of classes, which allowed him to discover his passion for engineering, a field in which he plans to major in in the fall.
Karnitskaya took home a number of awards, including the Mildred Johnston Award for excellence in English and the Charles Abaffy Award for excellence in social studies.
An active member of the Theater Arts Program, Karnitskaya appeared both onstage as a performer and behind the scenes as a member of the stage crew. She will pursue a career in interior design.
Another honoree was Abdul Johnson, who received the President’s Award for Educational Achievement for demonstrating outstanding growth, improvement, commitment and intellectual development.
“The Class of 2017 is composed of students from all different backgrounds, with so many different talents and interests,” Romanos said in a statement. “I have no doubt that each of these graduates will continue to build upon the foundation of hard work instilled in them during their time at Adelphi and I wish them all the greatest success in their future endeavors.”
Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn was founded in 1863.
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