Bay Ridge

Conservative Party tells voters to flip over their ballots

Leaders say important proposals printed on other side

September 15, 2017 By Paula Katinas Brooklyn Daily Eagle
New York State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long (left) says voters should make sure to turn over the ballot on Election Day to vote on the propositions listed on the ballot. At right is Brooklyn Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar. Eagle file photo by Paula Katinas
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New Yorkers entering the voting booth on Election Day should be sure to turn the ballot over after making their selections for mayor, City Council and other public offices, Conservative Party leaders are urging.

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long and his members have embarked on an education effort to remind voters to turn over the election ballot to see the statewide ballot propositions listed on the back of the ballot. 

Long held a meeting of the party’s State Executive Committee on Sept. 13, the day after the primary, to discuss propositions that voters will be asked to vote for or against on Election Day, Nov. 7.

The party has a strong connection to Brooklyn. Long lives in Bay Ridge and the New York State Conservative Party’s headquarters are also located in Bay Ridge.

At the meeting, the committee also solidified the Conservative Party’s positions on three proposals that will be on the ballot.

The party is calling on voters to reject Proposition No. 1, which calls for a state constitutional convention to be convened.

“The New York State Conservative Party has been a longtime outspoken organization against the idea of holding a Constitutional Convention.  The convention held in 1967, which Chairman Michael R. Long participated in, was a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money and if one was held now, it would cost taxpayers even more money and be controlled by the same special interests that already have a strong presence in the legislative process,” a statement from the committee reads. 

Proposition No. 2, which would allow for the forfeiture of a public official’s pension if he or she is convicted of a certain type of felony, is a good proposal that voters should support, according to Long and the Conservatives.

“The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow a court to reduce or revoke the public pension of a public officer who is convicted of a felony that has a direct and actual relationship to the performance of the public officer’s existing duties,” the committee stated.

The Conservative Party is also urging New Yorkers to approve Proposition No. 3, a plan to create a land account that would add up to 250 acres of forest preserve land to be eligible for use by towns, villages, and counties that have no viable alternative to using forest preserve land to address specific public health and safety concerns such as making dangerous roads safer, create bike paths and repair bridges.

The plan would also make it possible for rural areas in New York state to gain access to utility lines, according to party leaders.


For more information on the New York State Conservative Party, visit


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