Brooklyn’s Hipsters Out of Touch?

February 6, 2012 Brooklyn Eagle Staff
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Brooklyn’s hipsters seem unimpressed by the crime that takes place in their rough neighborhoods, reflects New York Magazine’s Daily Intel.

Take Bushwick: Despite an increase in the number of murders there and incidents like the recent shooting of plainclothes police officer Kevin Brennan at the Bushwick Houses, the young, mostly white, iPhone-carrying crowd appears oddly unaware of their surroundings — as evidenced by the kid who blithely rode his bike right through a police blockade while the manhunt for Brennan’s shooter was in progress.

Bushwick is certainly gentrifying, and nowadays Morgan Avenue is visited by taco trucks and jewelry-sellers. But sentiment is mixed about what hipsters bring to their neighborhoods: “It’s unfortunate that these kids are disconnected from the wider community in which they live,” said one commenter.

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