Beyond at Liberty View hosts Kids Community Mural Project

June 13, 2018 Jaime DeJesus
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There’s a new work of art in Sunset Park.

Beyond at Liberty View, 850 Third Avenue, hosted its kids community mural project, which gave kids of all ages the opportunity to paint a mural of Sunset Park and beyond created by local artist Michela Muserra.

The event, held on Sunday, June 10 was a big success according to Bari Fagan, the director of brand integration, video and promotions for Bed Bath & Beyond.

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“We are committed to doing events that celebrate Brooklyn and Sunset Park and partnering with our community and this was the latest in a series of events that we’ve done,” she said. “Then we partnered with artist Michela Muserra to create a mural celebrating Sunset Park and Brooklyn. She created the mural and drew the images in black and white and then we invited talented young artists to help us paint it.”

The result was dozens of kids participating in creating the mural, made up of 12 panels, 15 feet wide and 6.5 feet high in total. Each panel was 30 by 40 inches.

The kids had a great time creating art for shoppers to enjoy.

“They had their smocks on and got to pick the colors they wanted. We did three panels at a time so there was always something fresh and new,” Fagan said. “Everybody got along great and they were so excited with the finished product. When it went up, kids loved looking at it. They said, ‘Oh, the Brooklyn Bridge and Statue of Liberty.’ They loved painting those.”

Once it was completed, the mural was hung on the second floor so it’s visible to patrons as they come up the venue’s escalator.

“It was wonderful. We had music playing. The kids didn’t want to leave,” she added. “They all signed a panel with their names. They were so proud of what they did. We were thrilled with the concept and thrilled with the result. It’s a beautiful combination of Muserra’s talents and that of dozens of talented young artists who joined us that day who are so proud of their work. Hopefully they will come back now and see the finished painting.”

The mural is slated to be on display for several months.

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