Sunset Park Lion’s Club holds successful Three King’s Day event at Industry City

January 9, 2018 Jaime DeJesus
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The frigid weather didn’t stop the celebration of Three Kings’ Day in Sunset Park.

The holiday, a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ, was celebrated by the Sunset Park Lion’s Club, a group that has been around over 40 years, and which hosted a free celebration for families that featured a variety of activities at Industry City on Sunday, January 7.

Although temperatures were in the single digits, it didn’t deter over 100 children from enjoying the event.

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“It went really well, but because of the weather we had 150 children show up instead of 250,” said President of the club George Cardona. “It was very cold so we had a lot of no shows. But it was still a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed it. We had people dress up as the Three Kings and gifts were distributed. We also had performances, raffles and pizza so we had a great time.”

Performers from Young Dancers in Repertory showed up as entertainment and got kids exercising and dancing.

“They seemed to really get a kick out of that,” Cardona said. “The raffling was great because in addition to whatever gifts were given, Mr. C’s Cycles donated a bike so the kid that got that was happy.”

Three men also dressed up as the Three Kings and someone dressed as Santa. Kids were given wristbands based on age so they would receive appropriate gifts.

The Sunset Park Lion’s Club has been hosting the Three Kings’ event for 30 years, but this was the first time it was held at Industry City. The group also invited kids from domestic abuse shelters and homeless shelters to join in the fun.

“Industry City gave us the first floor and it was great because they let us go in the day before to arrange it so we had everyone set up with pictures and things like that,” Cardona said. “I love that place. We outgrew other venues. This year we needed the space and they donated it which was just great.

“I think overall the kids look forward to it and there was a gentleman there that was 24 years old and he told us he used to come with his dad and now he’s showing up with his kids,” he said. “It is nice for it to become tradition.”


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