Car break-in averted in Bay Ridge

August 4, 2016 Helen Klein
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Cops in Bay Ridge have picked up a suspect who they say had been attempting to break into cars along Colonial Road near 89th Street.

On Monday, August 1, at about 10:18 p.m., an eyewitness called in a report to 911 of two men trying car door handles along the block, said Captain Joseph Hayward, the commanding officer of the 68th Precinct, who cited the incident as a perfect example of “if you see something, say something.”

The witness “vigilantly watched them” till cops responded to the scene, Hayward went on.

After cops witnessed the 18-year-old suspect and a companion attempting to enter a vehicle, they were arrested.

“It was a great arrest by the leadership of Sergeant Andrew Mastrande,” noted Hayward.

Eventually, the suspect – a Bensonhurst resident who had 22 prior arrests – was charged with one count of attempted unauthorized use of a vehicle, a misdemeanor. Charges against the other man were dropped.

“Basically, he has been a menace to the 68, 62 and 72 communities,” said Hayward, stressing, “It’s really important, if you see something, say something.”

The 68th Precinct covers Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights. The 62nd Precinct covers Bensonhurst, Bath Beach and Gravesend. The 72nd Precinct covers Sunset Park, Windsor Terrace and Greenwood Heights.

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