Red Hook

Red Hook sunsets are ferry nice in the summertime

Eye On Real Estate

July 9, 2014 By Lore Croghan Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Stars and Stripes Forever: The free ferry departs Fairway. Photos by Lore Croghan
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The free ferry to Fairway is back — and Van Brunt Street business owners say Fabulous!

New York Water Taxi’s weekend service between Wall Street and Red Hook’s popular supermarket has started in for the summer. The boats drop off shoppers and diners at the end of Van Brunt Street — which improves foot traffic on the commercial corridor.

There is pick-up and drop-off at nearby Ikea as well.

We don’t know whether he came by ferry — but on a recent Sunday afternoon we spotted actor Josh Lucas on Van Brunt Street. He was toting bags of ice. Really. And looking like as much of a heartthrob as when he starred in “Sweet Home Alabama” with Reese Witherspoon.

Lucas rents a garden in Red Hook, according to the New York Post, so we’re sure he really was there and we weren’t hallucinating from spending too much time in the sun.

After that surprise sighting, watching the sun set from aboard the ferry, with the last rays of the day lighting up the Statue of Liberty and the skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan, was something special.


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