Kid injures leg on Coney Island ride
A five-year-old child injured his leg on a Coney Island ride the evening of Wednesday, August 14.
The Fire Department reports that it received a call at 6:51 p.m. for an ambulance to respond to Denos Wonder Wheel Park in Coney Island on Surf Avenue. A five-year-old male was transported by ambulance to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition. He was conscious and suffered a laceration to the leg and a minor laceration to the head.According to reports, the boy was on the Sea Serpent Roller Coaster when he somehow got onto the rides tracks.The next day, Thursday, August 15, city inspectors were on site examining the ride which Dennis Vourderis, an owner of Denos, is reported as having said has been in operation for 15 years without any problems.Stay tuned as this story develops.Leave a Comment
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