Sammy Kassen to get a Vendy Award
Bay Ridge halal food vendor Sammy Kassen will receive his very own Vendy Award on September 15.
The Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center has been giving out the awards for the past eight years to the best street vendors in the city.
Brooklyn-born 21-year-old Kassen will be crowned the citys Most Heroic Vendor for keeping his cool earlier this year, when brick-and-mortar businesses tried to force him off his corner at Fifth Avenue and 86th Street, contending that he was taking away their business without having to pay the same fees. Someone even nailed benches which were reportedly taken from the 86th Street BID at Kassens legal spot so he could not operate for over a day.
The news made headlines across the city and the issue is currently being reviewed by Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway, with some merchants complaining that city rules that prevent them from putting merchandise on the sidewalk along the corridor do not apply to the food vendors that the city licenses to sell their wares there.
It is this inconsistency in regulation that has fueled the flames for some merchants and has local leaders asking for clarity and consistency in the rules. The issue will be discussed further at the next Community Board 10 meeting on September 24 at Shore Hill, 9000 Shore Road, at 7:15 p.m.
I feel honored. After all that, we were recognized, Kassen said as he served a long line of customers. I am happy that the problem got out there. Hopefully people will learn from it and it wont happen again.
Past Most Heroic awards have gone to a vendor spotting fires in Columbus Circle and the vendor who helped catch the Times Square car bomber in 2010.
Up against circumstances that would break most people, Sammy has triumphed, said Sean Basinski, Director of the Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center. Even as he continues to face threats, harassment, and even physical barriers to running his business, Sammy returns to work each day to make a living for his family and to serve his loyal customers the food they love. Sammy is an inspiration vendors across the city.
Not everyone was so impressed, however. I respect the Street Vendor Project and their mission, remarked City Councilmember Vincent Gentile who has asked the city to look at the issue. That said, Im not sure there is anything heroic about not abiding by the laws our city has in place.
The Vendy Awards will take place on Saturday, September 15 at Governors Island. For more information, visit nycvendys2012.eventbrite.com.
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