Squadron Welcomes Lhota’s Comments on 370 Jay St.

January 12, 2012 Brooklyn Eagle Staff
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State Senator Urges Transformation of Long Abandoned MTA Building

State Senator Daniel Squadron (D-Downtown Brooklyn/Lower Manhattan) welcomed MTA Chair Joe Lhota’s comments at his confirmation hearing on the future of the nearly abandoned former MTA headquarters at 370 Jay St.

Lhota said, “Jay Street will happen long before 347 Madison Ave.,” referring to the MTA’s planned sale of its Midtown Manhattan headquarters. Lhota also stated that the MTA will work with the city to remove the communications equipment that remains in the building.

Squadron and his colleagues have been urging the city and the MTA to move forward with NYU-Polytechnic’s proposal for a Center for Urban Science and Progress in the space. The MTA, which has a long-term lease on the building, and the city, which owns the building, must reach an agreement before it can be transferred to a new owner.

Squadron serves on the Transportation and Finance Committees, which held hearings on Lhota’s confirmation this afternoon. At the hearings,  Squadron raised the issue of 370 Jay St., as well as possible fare increases and recent bus cuts.

“For years, Downtown Brooklyn’s extraordinary potential has been limited by the nearly abandoned former MTA headquarters at 370 Jay St.,” said Squadron.
“Chairman Lhota’s comments today were a welcome sign of the MTA’s commitment to putting 370 Jay to use. Now, the city and the MTA must work to make NYU-Poly’s proposal a reality — which would bring jobs to Brooklyn, fuel New York’s growing tech sector, and move forward Downtown Brooklyn’s continued revival.”

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