GENERALLY SPEAKING: Week of October 27

October 27, 2011 Theodore W. General
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Lady Liberty is now 125 years old! There will be an anniversarycelebration marking the dedication of The Statue of Liberty onFriday, October 28. However, it will be a far cry from thespectacular event held 125 years ago.

Back then, the dedication was heralded with a big ticker tapeparade along Fifth Avenue from 52nd Street down to City Hall.President Grover Cleveland

Also taking part in the elaborate ceremonies was Brooklyn MayorDaniel D.WhitneyJohn W. Hunter

Other society officers back in 1886 were First Vice PresidentEdward WhiteAlbert H. OsbornJudah P. Voorhees and Secretary B.A.Hayes. Today’s officers of the 131-year Society includeActing President Myrtle WhitmoreTed General;Treasurer Sherman Silverman; CorrespondingSecretary Holly Fuchs Kohler; Recording SecretaryLinda Orlando and Honorary Board Chairperson,Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.

Other prominent members include State Senator MartyGoldenJoseph LentolEd TownsCurtisSliwaDozier HastyArnold AlbertBrian MerlisRalph PerfettoMichaelSpinnerLee Rosenzweig and JohnLaCorte to name a few.


The Kassenbrock Brothers Memorial Scholarship Fund held anothersuccessful annual bus trip to Atlantic City. It has become known asthe Ursula Schmidt bus ride, in memory of the past KBMSFadministrator. The trip participants were a literal who’s who oflocal community circles.

Among the supporters and fun seekers were Mary AnnWalshVincentBocchinoHowie DunnAlex ContiJanet GeneralIrene HanveyJoseph SbarraIlene SaccoEleanor PettyKevinPeter CarrollEileen PotterBarbaraVellucciJosephineGiammarinoLindaRubino of the Bay Ridge Men’s Club and LarryMorrish

A hearty well-done to Vellucci, Potter, Sacco and Petty, who dida first-rate job serving coffee, tea, bagels and pastries, andconducting bingo games and raffles. All the proceeds go towards theKassenbrock Brothers Memorial Scholarship Fund which this yearawarded over $40,000 in scholarship grants to high schoolseniors.


Oops, that was Liam McCabe that representedCongressmember Mike Grimm at theOctober meeting of the Bay Ridge AARP. Our dear friend and fellowparishioner Mary Nolan reminds us not to miss theMusical Tribute Concert to Aldo Bruschi in the school auditorium atSt. Patrick’s Church, 97th Street and Fourth Avenue, on Saturday,October 29, at 7 p.m., starring tenors DannyRodriguez and Donal Nolan. Tickets areonly $30. You can call Mary Nolan at 718-833-3405 for moreinfo.


American Legion Amity Post 791 held its annual Pasta Night inthe cafeteria of Adelphi Academy, 8517 Ridge Boulevard. PostCommander Mike BoylanVictor DePaul.

Among the prominent post members also present were Howie Dunn, apast post commander and vice president of the Bay Ridge AARP, PastPost Commander Thomas Kane and ConnieRanocchia

Also attending was Rosa RafaelLynda Thompson

During his remarks, Gentile expressed serious concern uponlearning overzealous Sanitation agents were issuing summons to shopowners along 13th Avenue for having sidewalk American flags nearthe curb in front of their place of business. According to Gentile,the tickets were reportedly issued for blocking the sidewalk.


Howie Dunn, a Navy veteran and local activist for the WoundedWarrior Project, mentioned his Post is sponsoring a big fund-raiserfor the Wounded Warriors on Tuesday evening, November 8, at Giandoon the Water, 400 Kent Avenue in Williamsburg. Tickets are $100each and may be obtained by calling Dunn at 718-748-3150.

This coming Friday morning, Dunn and Post Commander MikeBoylan will be joining FDNY firefighters and othersupporters on a bus trip to bring gifts and visit Wounded Warriorsat the Community Hospital near Fort Belvoir in Virginia.

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