Latest in Fort Greene

The Brooklyn Navy Yard has been known as a small-business incubator ever since the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corp. was created to develop the sprawling former Naval facility. Eagle file photo by Lore Croghan

North Brooklyn: A small-business powerhouse that drives growth in city, says EDC report

May 31 | Raanan Geberer

NORTH BROOKLYN — The area containing Bedford-Stuyvesant, Williamsburg, DUMBO, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, Bushwick, Crown Heights, Clinton Hill and Fort Greene is leading the growth of small businesses in the city, according to “Small Business Dynamism in New York City’s Economic Recovery,” a report issued by the city’s Economic Development Corp. this week. Citywide, “new […]

Millions of dollars’ worth of cannabis products were discovered in a Fort Greene warehouse over the Memorial Day weekend.

Illegal weed shops, cannabis warehouse busted in Downtown Brooklyn, Fort Greene

May 29 | Mary Frost

DOWNTOWN/FORT GREENE — Three illegal smoke shops in the Downtown Brooklyn area have been padlocked within the past two weeks using recently-enacted law enforcement tools, and a giant weed warehouse filled with millions of dollars’ worth of cannabis products was busted over the Memorial Day weekend in Fort Greene. The businesses were shut down thanks […]