Latest in Carroll Gardens

Carroll Gardens.

DEP responds after widespread reports of brown water in Carroll Gardens area

June 4 | Mary Frost

CARROLL GARDENS — Crews from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection opened fire hydrants to flush the local water distribution system on Monday after receiving multiple 311 reports about discolored water from west Brooklyn neighborhoods including Carroll Gardens, the Columbia Waterfront District and Red Hook.   Residents of these neighborhoods who are members of the NextDoor […]

Emma's Torch founder Kerry Brodie.

Emma’s Torch graduates its 50th cohort of refugees-turned-restaurant workers

April 4 | Alice Gilbert 

I recently spoke with Emma’s Torch founder Kerry Brodie after one of the first graduation ceremonies of her Washington D.C. location. The restaurant’s goal is to help refugees join the workforce after finishing their culinary training. Now in its second location, Emma’s Torch originated in Carroll Gardens where, in addition to producing brunch staples like […]

Andrew Cotto in conversation with Francesco Nuccitelli, co-owner of Sociale. Photos by Giulia Perovich

‘Italian Food As a Muse’ presented at Brooklyn Dining Club

April 1 | Special from GOODFOOD newsletter

CARROLL GARDENS — The Brooklyn Dining Club featured a program examining the impact of Italian cuisine on the life and career of award-winning author and editor Andrew Cotto. The event took place at Sociale in Carroll Gardens. “Italian Food As a Muse” was presented in Cin Cin — the elegant private cellar of Sociale’s 320 […]