Latest in Bay Ridge

Judges sampling a cocktail. From left: William McNeely, Nikki Apostolou and Alex Clark, co-founder of Fort Hamilton Distillery. Brooklyn Eagle photos by Wayne Daren Schneiderman

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MOTA’s Bartender ‘Battle’ draws attention — and funding — to Third Avenue

June 28 | Wayne Daren Schneiderman

BAY RIDGE — Raise your glasses! The first Battle of the Bartenders cocktail competition took place Monday evening in the parking facility of Santander Bank (9512 Third Avenue), drawing more than 200 thirsty locals. It succeeded beyond expectations, according to Chrisie Canny, event coordinator of the Merchants of Third Avenue (MOTA) and the brainchild behind the […]

MOTA’s Bartender ‘Battle’ draws attention — and funding — to Third Avenue

June 28 | Brooklyn Eagle Staff

BAY RIDGE — Raise your glasses! The first Battle of the Bartenders cocktail competition took place Monday evening in the parking facility of Santander Bank (9512 Third Avenue), drawing more than 200 thirsty locals. It succeeded beyond expectations, according to Chrisie Canny, event coordinator of the Merchants of Third Avenue (MOTA) and the brainchild behind the shindig. […]

The former Pilo Arts hair salon, located at 8412 Third Avenue, could potentially become a “cannabis supermarket.” Brooklyn Eagle photos by Arthur DeGaeta

Community members, led by Republican elected officials in Bay Ridge, protest proposed cannabis dispensary

June 27 | Wayne Daren Schneiderman

BAY RIDGE — Chants of “no marijuana store” and “Bay Ridge says no” were heard loud and clear Monday morning as more than 100 Bay Ridge residents demonstrated their vehement opposition to the proposed opening of a marijuana dispensary on Third Avenue. Assemblyman Michael Tannousis (D-64), Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (D-11) and Alec Brook-Krasny (D-46) held […]