Star of Brooklyn: Christopher Robles
Member, Village of Sunset Park Community Involvement: Christopher Robles has been involved...
Star of Brooklyn
Member, Village of Sunset Park Community Involvement: Christopher Robles has been involved...
Star of BrooklynMember and Former Chair, Community Board 17 Community Involvement: Gail Reed-Barnett...
Star of BrooklynCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: As founder of Bay Ridge Cares, president of the Bay...
Star of Brooklyn“The Unofficial Mayor of Coney Island” COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Coney Island...
Star of BrooklynCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: After devoting the past 11 years to the nursery school...
Star of BrooklynPresident of the 86th Street Bath Beach Kiwanis Club COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: With...
Star of BrooklynJosephine Ghorra St. Anselm’s Academy Home School Association COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: An...
Star of BrooklynReverend Khader Khalilia Pastor, Redeemer St. John’s Lutheran Church COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT...
Star of BrooklynBrian Chin Board Member, Reaching-Out Community Services COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Involved in...
Star of Brooklyn