Several hundred New Yorkers, including electeds, attend rally comparing support of veterans vs. cost of housing migrants

Hundreds from all over the city rallied in solidarity outside the Kings Plaza Mall Sunday afternoon in an effort to make their collective voices heard — hoping to send a message to the mayor, governor, and city council — regarding immigration policies. Billed as a bipartisan event, the rally was themed “Save Our Communities: New Yorkers Come First” and featured several guest speakers, including a number of elected officials and civic leaders.

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To curb the overdose crisis, New York State must invest in the behavioral health workforce

We are facing a severe public health crisis in New York City: The opioid epidemic is reaching historic levels, and disparities in mental health outcomes are rampant, with Black and Brown people — many of whom are under 18 — bearing the brunt of the devastation. The ramifications are heart-wrenching and systemic, with countless families of color grieving the loss of a loved one.

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