Cuomo allies plan to launch super PAC

CITYWIDE – ALLIES OF FORMER Gov. Andrew Cuomo are making plans to potentially launch a super PAC ahead of a possible run by Cuomo for mayor of New York City, according to emails obtained by The New York Times. The Times reported Sunday that Mets owner Steven Cohen and former Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci, among others, discussed names for the committee, considering “Fix NYC,” “Bring Back NYC” and “Reform Our City,” indicating a possible messaging standpoint for the former governor’s campaign.
Despite not yet declaring his candidacy, Cuomo has enjoyed strong popularity among voters, running ahead of other city Democrats in polls. He also retains nearly $8 million in his campaign war chest, money which cannot be easily used directly by the former governor for a mayoral run, due to campaign finance laws – but some of which could be donated to a super PAC in his name.
The deadline for candidates to declare is in April; the mayoral primary is in June.
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