Subway police deployment begins

CITYWIDE — MAYOR ADAMS ON Tuesday, Jan. 21 at a press conference announced that police officers began deploying on subway trains on Monday night, with 100 officers initially stationed on the A, G, J and L lines. The deployment will scale up to 300 officers on 150 overnight trains across the city, with a goal of two officers per train. amNY reports that the city is using state funding to pay the $77 million cost for the additional patrols and for another 750 officers positioned on platforms and in stations throughout the system, following a series of high-profile subway crimes, including the burning of a woman aboard a Coney Island F train and the pushing of a Brooklyn man in front of a Manhattan train just last month.
NYPD Transit Chief Joseph Gulotta said that conductors will announce the presence of the onboard officers, who will patrol on trains between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. and will move from car to car at each station stop.
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