Reynoso appoints CB6 manager to charter revision body

DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — BOROUGH PRESIDENT ANTONIO Reynoso on Tuesday, Jan. 21 announced the appointment of Community Board 6 District Manager Mike Racioppo to the City Council’s Charter Revision Commission.
“Mike Racioppo loves this city, understands how it works, and knows how to make it better. He’s the right person for one of the most important jobs: amending the governing document of the greatest city in the world,” said Reynoso. “As an appointee to the Charter Review Commission, he will bring to the table his expertise on comprehensive planning and community board reform — two priorities we share.”
The City Charter is New York City’s governing document, similar to the state or U.S. constitutions. The Council voted last year to establish the commission following the passage of several ballot proposals supported by Mayor Adams and opposed by the Council. The commission will make recommendations for further ballot proposals and revisions to the charter. Mayor Adams also last year established a second Charter Review Commission, unconnected to the Council’s, which the Council described as an attempt “to obstruct proposals developed by this more broadly representative effort inclusive of all the City’s elected officials.” Proposals by the mayor’s commission would supersede those from the council’s on the ballot, under state law.
Racioppo is a native Brooklynite who has previously worked for the City Council and state Assembly and who has taught political science at Brooklyn College. He has served with CB6 since 2012, according to Borough Hall.
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