DiNapoli: New York ranks high in non-profit sector, but numbers have declined

January 8, 2025 Brooklyn Eagle Staff
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli during a news conference in 2016. Photo: Mike Groll/AP
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STATEWIDE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS DURING 2022 PROVIDED 1.3 MILLION JOBS to New Yorkers, just over one-in-six in private sector jobs in the state, according to a new report from State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. During 2022, there were over 344,000 nonprofit organizations in the U.S., 3.1% of all private sector establishments. Nearly 1 in 10 of these nonprofits (33,536) were located in New York and comprised 5% of the private sector statewide. Nonprofits in New York paid $96.8 billion in wages in 2022 (11.1% of the nationwide total). Statewide, three industry sectors accounted for 78.9% of nonprofits and 89.3% of nonprofit jobs in 2022: The health care and social assistance sector had the largest share of nonprofit establishments (41.3%) and jobs (61.4%). Other sectors with significant employment in New York include educational services, other services, professional and business services, and leisure and hospitality.

However, even ranking among the highest for nonprofit establishments and employment, New York State saw both numbers declining from 2017 and 2022. “Nonprofits play an important role in our state and local economies and are an essential part of the fabric of the communities they serve, but their numbers are shrinking,” DiNapoli said. “Many nonprofits rely on government funding to support their services, and contract delays and slow payments have contributed to some of the challenges they face.”


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