Teaching artists sought for SU-CASA older adult programs
BOROUGHWIDE — THE BROOKLYN ARTS COUNCIL welcomes applications for teaching artists and panelists for its SU-CASA community arts program, and reminds prospective leaders of an imminent submission deadline. SU-CASA is a community arts engagement program that the City Council funds, and that places teaching artists in participating older adult centers across Brooklyn. The program pays artists for the creation and delivery of arts-based activities that aim to benefit the well-being of older adults. During the course of their residency, TAs engage older adults in an art project or series of cultural programs, culminating in a public programming event that is open to the surrounding community. Applicants must be sensitive to the needs of older adults and demonstrate residency in Brooklyn. Panelists are also needed as BAC uses a panel selection process to review SU-CASA teaching artist applications. As TA’s artists work in a variety of disciplines in Older Adult Centers around the borough, panelists are sought from all Brooklyn communities. Panelists receive an honorarium of $250.
The submission deadline for both roles is this Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. There are different registration links for each with additional information on stipends: Teaching Artists must apply here. Panelists apply here.
SU-CASA is a collaboration among the New York City Council, the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), the Department for the Aging (DFTA) and four of the City’s local arts councils – Bronx Council on the Arts, Brooklyn Arts Council, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and Staten Island Arts.
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