Food safety agencies investigate wide outbreak of salmonella in cucumbers
NATIONWIDE — A MULTISTATE SALMONELLA OUTBREAK INVOLVING CUCUMBERS sold individually is under investigation through a joint collaboration with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and local partners. The outbreak, which affected the continental U.S. with a concentration in New York and the East Coast, caused 449 illnesses in 31 states and the District of Columbia. The CDC and FDA combined two previously-separate outbreaks under one investigation because of similarities found, such as timing and location of the illnesses, the demographics of ill people and the foods they reported eating before they became sick. Laboratory, epidemiological and traceback data determined that cucumbers from two Florida farms — Bedner Growers, Inc. of Boynton Beach and Thomas Produce Company of Boca Raton — are likely sources of illnesses in this outbreak. As part of the investigation, FDA conducted an onsite inspection at Thomas Produce Company and collected samples. Salmonella Braenderup was detected in samples of canal water used by Thomas Produce Company. An analysis using Whole Genome Sequencing technology determined that the water used by Thomas Produce Company contained the Salmonella that is a match to a strain of Salmonella Braenderup that is causing some of the illnesses in this outbreak.
Whole genome sequencing reveals the complete DNA make-up of an organism, helping scientists identify variations both within and between species. FDA is using this technology to perform basic foodborne pathogen identification during foodborne illness.
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