NYU Tandon Professor leads urban data project that just won $5 million grant
DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — AN OPEN-SOURCE PLATFORM THAT NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Institute Professor Cláudio Silva developed has won a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The project, called OSCUR (Open-Source Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Computing Research), aims to make complex urban data more accessible and usable for researchers worldwide, enabling them to collaborate on solutions to urban challenges such as transportation and climate change. OSCUR will develop a comprehensive user-friendly suite of tools and resources for collecting and analyzing urban data. NYU Tandon reports that one of OSCUR’s key innovations is its ability to handle diverse types of urban data, from traditional tabular datasets to complex spatial information and sensor readings. The team’s focus is on making the platform easy to use and accessible to researchers, city planners and community groups with varying levels of technical expertise.
The OSCUR project grew out of work at CUSP, which Silva co-founded at NYU Tandon in 2012.
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