What Our Readers Are Saying: August 3
Brooklyn Daily Eagle editors welcome opinions, both pro and con, on all subjects affecting our daily lives, as well as responses to the articles and opinion pieces published in this paper.
Here is a selection of some of the more insightful and engaging comments from the last week. Want to contribute? Use Disqus at the bottom of the Eagle’s articles.
Re Emily Warren Roebling musical heading to Scotland, at the world’s largest art festival (July 31)
“Thank you so much for capturing our group with such sincerity!” — LINDSAY SHIELDS
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Re MTA proposes new fare hikes for 2019, 2021 (July 30)
“What else is new? I mean really! They built a new train line instead of using that money to fix their aging infrastructure. Which was billions with a B over budget. Now they want more money.” — RYAN MCMAHON
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Re Brooklyn DA: Low-level marijuana prosecutions down 91 percent (July 27)
“If they aren’t going to prosecute people for this then they should just legalize it. Otherwise they are just giving huge profits to the gangs and cartels for selling weed and who … knows what they may mix in with it. I’d rather people be able to go to legitimately regulated shops.” — JRYAN72
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Re Number of Uber, Lyft cars could be curbed by NYC Council (July 27)
“Too many Uber cars everywhere in NYC. They occupy every available parking spot and I have to cruise for hours to find one! This is utter chaos and disaster, not innovation. Not at all.” — REBECCA DANN
“Let’s see some actual numbers for total number of cars on streets during days and nights, plus number of Uber/Lyft cars on streets (not all drive at same time, and not all drive 24/7 like taxi cab drivers/owners have to).
“How about other contributory causes of congestion? Half a million more New Yorkers moved to town in last 5-7 years, more tourists, more freight deliveries — all cause congestion.” —BILL STEIGERWALD
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