Micro Center Brooklyn at Liberty View Plaza Announces STEM Contest for Students

July 27, 2018 Ariama Long
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Local students have a chance to bring technology home, thanks to a competition sponsored by a Sunset Park store.

Micro Center Brooklyn, 31st Street and Third Avenue, is encouraging local students to enter the second Annual 2018 Micro Center Maker Student Contest. The computer and electronics store offers students a chance to win a 3D printer and robotics construction kits via Twitter.  

The contest runs through September 16, for students age 13 or older who are asked to submit the contest form, then tweet or post a response to the question: “What would you make with a 3D Printer or control with a @VexRobotics Motorized Robotics Arm Kit?” The response must contain the specific hashtags, #RuleTheSchool and @MicroCenter.

The student whose tweet or post is judged to be the winner will receive a powerful Dual Extruder 3D printer and a Vex Robotics Motorized Arm kit. In addition, the winning student’s school will receive a free 3D printer and kit.
While these products can be used to create anything, from a cool iphone case to a realistic model of Star Wars’ Death Star, Micro Center hopes to move past conventional uses.

Two years ago, researchers from the University of Tokyo were able to build a realistic robot with its own ‘sweating’ cooling system using a metal 3D printer for the complex aluminum structure.   

“We’re excited to offer a contest which encourages students to think of creative ways to use a 3D printer,” said Kevin Jones, Micro Center vice president of merchandising, “and also help their school stretch their STEM budget.”

STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, is the term for subjects in education that lead students to innovative careers as defined by former President Obama’s administration and the US Department of Education in 2010.


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