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Justices Eng and Silver honored by New York State Bar Association

January 30, 2018 By Rob Abruzzese Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Hon. George Silver. Eagle photos by Rob Abruzzese
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Judges Randall T. Eng and George J. Silver were among the four judges who were honored by the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) during its annual meeting in Manhattan last Friday.

The other two judges were Hon. Paul G. Feinman and Hon. Karen K. Peters. All were honored by the NYSBA’s Judicial Section.

“This year we recognized four judges who represent the exemplary judicial bench that this state has,” said Judge Conrad Singer, presiding member of the Judicial Section. “The Judicial Section is pleased to honor these outstanding jurists and their contributions to the legal profession.”

Eng, who retired last month as the presiding justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, located in Brooklyn Heights, received the Lifetime Achievement Recognition. He was the second Asian-American judge to serve on the state appellate court.

Silver, who is currently serving as the interim administrative judge for the Bronx Supreme Court, received the Advancement of Judicial Diversity Award. He had previously served as deputy chief administrative judge for the NYC courts. He was honored for his work with the NYSBA’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion; and the Torts, Insurance & Compensation Law Section’s Executive Committee. His work with the NAACP was also cited.

Feinman received the Distinguished Jurist Award after he was appointed to the NYS Court of Appeals as an associate justice last year. He is the first gay judge on the Court of Appeals.

Peters received the Lifetime Achievement Recognition after retiring as the presiding judge of the Appellate Division, Third Department. She is court’s first female presiding justice.


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