Lifelong Ridgeite Athan Sporek lighting up Broadway with Les Mis role

Bay Ridge has its own young rising Broadway star.
Seven-year-old Athan Sporek, who already has a passion for theater, recently signed a six-month principal contract with Broadway’s classic musical “Les Miserables” to play the role of Gavroche, a character who lives on the streets of Paris.
“I’ve never had so much fun in my entire life,” Sporek said when explaining what he considers the role of a lifetime. “I love spending time with all the people backstage, and I get to meet so many new, amazing people. I also really enjoy listening to all the songs every day. I’m still not sick of any of the music. I love it.”
Sporek, who is currently in the second grade at P.S. 229, said that he got into theater by accident. His parents own the Vicky Simegiatos Performing Arts Center in Bay Ridge and they invited vocal coach Badiene Magaziner to do an audition workshop last year at the studio. She brought Lauren Singer, a talent manager with her.
“I was only six years old so my mom told me just to sit and watch since my regular dance and music classes were cancelled that day,” he said. “I sang ‘Do you Wanna Build a Snowman’ and after the workshop Lauren picked me to sign with her. My mom and dad were really surprised.”
After the signing, Sporek started going on auditions and doing some TV shows and commercials. “Lauren told my mom that I would be Gavroche on Broadway one day,” he recalled. “I didn’t even know who that was before I auditioned. I just remember singing one of the songs I sing in the show now, and falling to the floor and pretending to die at the callback.”
There are many aspects of theater that have drawn Sporek, but the joy he gets in performing in front of a live audience tops his list. “It’s really different from TV because there’s an audience and they make me so happy when they applaud and cheer,” he said. “On days I’m not on stage, I wait backstage and hang out with the other Miz kids.”
When Sporek is not rehearsing, he enjoys his time at school. “My best friends Antonio and Stacy and I started a band and we wrote some songs. My favorite subject is math because it’s easy for me. My teacher is the best. Her name is Mrs. Zarski.”
His hobbies include painting, watching television, gymnastics and training his two cats.
According to his manager’s research, Sporek is the youngest person play to play the role of Gavorche in the history of the music. “It makes me feel extra special when I think about it, but I don’t really think about it that much. People keep saying I’m so young and stuff, but I’m just me,” he said.
Through it all, his parents have been very supportive and proud of his success. “They’re really proud,” Sporek said. “Everyone in my family is either a singer, a dancer or a musician so they’re really proud and they love Les Miz. They always tell me how lucky I am to play such a great role in the show. Every day they drive me to the theater, cook yummy food for me and help me with homework.”
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