THE BUZZ: Let them sing!
The Bella Voce Singers are warming up their voices and getting ready to enlighten their enthusiastic audiences with melodies of love, life and peace in what will be three upcoming performances in two neighborhoods in Brooklyn and, for the first time ever, one in Staten Island.
The group is a 38-member womens choir that has been based in Brooklyn since 2001. The multigenerational group will be performing on April 28 at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.
Were doing nice and happy uplifting pieces, said Jessica Corbin, the founding director of the choir.
This is my 13th season, continued Corbin, adding that she is very excited about the direction in which the choir is heading.
We are starting to choose music with our community in mind, music that speaks to everybody, she went on, saying she wished that the songs to be performed are able to start a conversation.
At the start of the 2000s, Corbin happened to be teaching at New York Citys F. H. La Guardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts. When she decided that it was time for her to go, the choir followed her to Brooklyn, where it is said to have eventually grown into the well-known group that it has become.
The choir, which has performed with many other choirs including the New York Treble Singers, the Davidson Singers, Damkoren SALT (from Sweden) and Coro Musa (from Japan), will be singing pieces from the works of Eleanor Daley, Timothy C. Takach, Nils Vigeland and Abbie Betinis, as well as pieces based on the diary of Anne Frank.
Were very excited, confessed Corbin. We will be previewing two movements from Linda Tutas Haugens Anne Frank: A Living Voice, a seven-movement work that will be presented in November of this year.
The choirs other two performances will take place on Saturday, May 4 at 3 p.m. at the Greenwood Baptist Church, 461 Sixth Street in Park Slope, and on June 1 at the New Dorp Moravian Church, 2205 Richmond Road, Staten Island.
Tickets for the performances cost $15, student/seniors pay $10, and children under 12 years of age get in free with paying adult.
For more information about the group, visit its official website: www.bellavocesingers.com.
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