Generally Speaking: Week of December 6

December 5, 2012 Theodore W. General
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Remember Pearl Harbor on December 7

Friday, December 7, is the 71st anniversary of the sneak attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 1941. Thirty five hundred Americans were killed or wounded on the day, described by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Aboard the Battleship USS Arizona — which was constructed and launched from the Brooklyn Navy Yard — were 1,177 sailors when the ship was bombed. At the site where the ship was sunk, a concrete and marble monument with a large flagpole has been built over the vessel which still contains the remains of the seamen and officers who lost their lives. Additionally, there were 335 wounded survivors.

In accordance with a long established congressional mandate, President Barack Obama has issued a proclamation designating December 7, 2012 as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

The commander-in-chief in his formal declaration requests that the White House, military bases, federal agencies, interested organizations, groups and individuals fly the American flag at half-staff in memory of the patriots lost at Pearl Harbor.

Over at the Intrepid Museum on Pier 86 in Manhattan, usually the venue for the most prominent New York City Pearl Harbor Day ceremonies, it will be a scaled down memorial tribute due to the extensive damage caused to the ship’ s power plant and visitors’ center by Superstorm Sandy.


The Fort Hamilton Army Garrison hosted a free performance in the Post Theater by the U.S. Army TRADOC Band, up from Fort Eustis, Virginia. The jazz/Dixieland ensemble did a first-rate job playing and singing a host of traditional carols including a lively Hanukah favorite, “V’vanim.”

Near the end of the program, the guest musicians had members of the audience join a sing a-long to seasonal favorites like “Jingle Bells,” “Joy to the World,” “O Christmas Tree” and “Feliz Navidad.”

“Christmastime in New Orleans” by trumpeter and vocalist Sergeant Matt Fattah was a show-stopper! During his remarks, Colonel Eluyn Gines commented, Weren’t they phenomenal? Yes, sir, they sure were.


Since Borough President Marty Markowitz is term-limited, the race for Brooklyn borough president is now starting to heat up. Among the possible contenders being mentioned are State Senators Eric AdamsKevin Parker and Daniel SquadronDomenic RecchiaDavid Yassky.

In addition to the salary of $160,000, the post comes with a car and driver and/or a short subway ride to Borough Hall — perhaps, a better option than the $79,500 salaries made by state legislators, who have the added burden of that weekly trek to Albany when the legislature is in session and with little hope for an increase in base salary in the foreseeable future.

Recchia — who I understand was eager to run for city comptroller (the post pays $185,000) — now is seriously looking at the BP post. With a Council salary of $112,500 and a large lulu for serving as finance chair, a move to the BP spot would probably suit him just fine!

However, Adams who was just re-elected as a state senator, has been making cameo appearance at events all around the borough. At last month’s Pioneers’ cocktail party sponsored by the Third Avenue Merchants, community activist Larry Morrish introduced him as our next borough president.


Pope Benedict XVI has agreed to elevate the Regina Pacis Church, 1230 65th Street, to the status of a minor basilica. On Saturday, December 8, at 2:30 p.m., Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will conduct a Pontifical Solemn High Mass of Inauguration, and read the proclamation from the Holy Father making the formal declaration.

Only two other Brooklyn Catholic churches carry the elevated designation of basilicas. The first was Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, at 60th Street and Fifth Avenue, which continues to hold the distinction of being the largest house of worship of any religion on Long Island including, of course, Brooklyn. The other basilica is the Cathedral of St. James, at Jay and Chapel Streets, which was the first Catholic Church established on Long Island.


Major Fran RaderBob Lanigan.


As the celebration of the Festival of Lights begins, we extend our best wishes for a holy and happy Hanukkah.


To reach Ted General via the Internet, his e-mail address is:

[email protected]

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