Generally Speaking: Week of October 18

October 17, 2012 Theodore W. General
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Citizens Union announces endorsements

New York City good government group the Citizens Union was very selective with this year’s election cycle and only endorsed a small group of Brooklyn and Staten Island political candidates. They include State Senators Eric AdamsDiane Savino and Marty GoldenNicole Malliotakis.

The CU serves as a civic watchdog, combating corruption and fighting for political reform. The backing of Adams was a surprise since it’s far from a secret that he is already campaigning for Brooklyn borough president, which means he won’t complete another full term as state senator. Even New York State Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver didn’t get the coveted blessing.


Senator Charles Schumer will be the keynote speaker when the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce holds its annual membership meeting and trade show on Octobers 24 in the Steiner Studios, 15 Washington Avenue, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Senior officers of the chamber are Peter MeyerCarlo ScissuraFredric HugueAlvin Adelman


A hearty handshake to John HillMichael McMahon and more recently as communications director for New York State Assemblymember Peter Abbate.


While he hasn’t announced he is seeking re-election in 2013 for another four-year term, City Councilmember Vinnie Gentile held a BBQ fund-raiser at the Lonestar Cafe on Fifth Avenue. The event was titled, Gentile for the Future.


Do you really think the city and nation’s economy is getting better? Have you looked at the interest on your savings account or CDs? HSBC, an international banking conglomerate, just closed up shop on 86th Street. Two big long-time diners, the Americana Restaurant, 65th Street and Eighth Avenue, and Yiannis, at 69th Street and Fourth Avenue, have bitten the dust.


The Fort Hamilton High School Alumni Association executive board held its first meeting with the new acting principal of the Shore Road school, Kaye Houlihan. Among the board members present were Sandy VallasAlice FarkouhDavid Whitebook, treasurer; Susan Tirotta corresponding secretary; Grace DiMartinoPeter SpanakosBarbara VenitoRobert HedlundTom Greene and Ted General.

Whitebook, Venito and Greene are retired assistant principals. Farkouh is a past FHHS principal, former president of the alumni association, and currently the principal of the A. Fantis parochial school in Downtown Brooklyn.

Hedlund, Whitebook and Greene are past presidents of the Bay Ridge Community Council. Sandy Vallas is also the president of the FHHS PTA.

Since Fort Hamilton is among the largest high schools in the city, some panel members expressed concern to Houlihan about a rumored effort by the city Department of Education to break up the school into smaller academies.

Houlihan and Vallas have met with the regional high school superintendent and said they have been assured there is no current initiative to break up the school in that fashion. In the interest of full disclosure, your correspondent is a graduate of Fort Hamilton and an inductee into the school’s Hall of Fame.


Victoria Hofmo, founder and president of the Bay Ridge Conservancy, is holding a walking tour in the north end of Bay Ridge focusing on buildings that need preservation on Saturday, October 20. After the tour, they will meet inside the High School of Telecommunications to discuss recent preservation efforts. For time, reservations and additional information, call 212-614-9107.


Hey kids, if you didn’t win one of those shiny new bikes at the Ragamuffin Parade, you may want to start thinking about your dream costume for next year’s parade. The parade committee, headed by chief organizer Colleen Golden, just met and set Saturday, October 5 as the date for the 47th annual Children’s Ragamuffin Parade.


Both Captain Richard DiBlasioJosephine Beckmann


St. Patrick’s Men’s Club is holding a fall football outing to West Point. Inside Michie Stadium at the U.S. Military Academy, attendees will watch the Army Black Knights vs. the Air Force Academy’s Falcons, on Saturday, November 3.

Tickets — which include admission to the game and transportation from St. Patrick’s — are $60 each. Part of the proceeds will help to fund the school’s scholarship program. Call 718-238-2600 for more information.


To reach Ted General via the Internet, his e-mail address is:

[email protected]

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