Merry Mayhem as Puppets Parade Through Brooklyn Heights

April 30, 2012 By Mary Frost
Eagle photos by Mary Frost
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A towering puppet replica of Ronnie Asbell, puppetry teacher at Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn Heights, was one of many stars in this year’s Annual Puppet Parade on Monday afternoon. A zany rite of spring marked by students’ oversized, exotically costumed puppets, the parade — which meanders through Heights streets and along the Promenade — has been a Saint Ann’s School tradition since 1985.

Clowns and jugglers led the procession, a drum corps provided the beat, and middle and high school students proudly showed off the puppets they created in Ms. Asbell’s classes. Preschool and lower school students also marched with their creations, which included a conga-line-style Great Wall of China.This towering puppet is an amazingly accurate replica of Saint Ann's puppet master Ronnie Asbell, standing next to it (wearing a blue shirt.)The amazingly accurate Asbell puppet was created by eighth-grade students Natassia Walley and Isabel Rower, with the assistance of Ry Walker. Isabel said the papier-mâché creation took three months to create. “We wanted to thank her,” said Natassia. “She started the puppetry class — she’s been here forever!”

– Eagle photos by Mary Frost

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