BROOKLYN BUZZ: Ridge Repertory Company travels through time in Mirror, Mirror

A magic mirror is the key to the past in an original musical, Mirror, Mirror A Musical in Seven Times being presented by the Ridge Repertory Company presents at the Bay Ridge Jewish Center.
The basic idea is that the entire story takes place in a brownstone in the Upper West Side and you get to see all of the people who lived in this brownstone during history, explained Susan Bucci, one of the plays co-writers. These different characters have different stories to tell and interact with one another with the use of a magic mirror.
The play which made its debut on Sunday, April 15 — is directed by James Martinelli with music by Steven Cornine, who ultimately came up with the idea of the show. Bucci and Cornine previously collaborated on another project.
He [Cornine] lives in a brownstone in the Upper West Side and he had this idea: what if we took different periods in history with different stories to tell, Bucci recalled, noting that the audience will meet characters from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
He did the music and I did part of the book, and we came up with characters together, Bucci went on. The magic mirror idea was his he has a big mirror in his apartment.
Martinelli added, The show is about transcending the past to the present. Its about human frailties and the human element.
The piece took a year and a half to write. Its just three people coming together, we have no experience in playwriting, but lets give it a shot, Bucci said.
With any luck, this wont be the end of the road for Mirror, Mirror. Bucci said that the Ridge Repertory Company is trying to enter some festivals, including the Dixon Place festival, this fall.
Most dont start until September, but we shall see, Bucci said.
Catch the play at the Bay Ridge Jewish Center, at Fourth Avenue and 81st Street on Sunday, April 22 at 6 p.m. Admission is $10 and includes coffee. For more information, call 718-836-3103.
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