Brooklynites Save $904K With City-Sponsored Drug Discount Card
BROOKLYN — The BigAppleRx prescription discount card has saved Brooklyn residents $904,000 since it was launched last May. The free card — sponsored by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and managed by HealthTrans — is available to everyone living in, working in, or visiting New York City, regardless of age, income, citizenship or health insurance status.
The card provides an average overall savings of 47 percent on prescription medications; 15 percent average on brand name drugs and 53 percent average on generic drugs, and is available at more than 1,000 distribution points throughout the city, including city agencies/council offices, neighborhood businesses, and community and faith-based organizations.
The card can also be printed online at www.nyc.gov (search term “BigAppleRx”) or at BigAppleRx.com.
“At a Brooklyn promotion of the BigApple Rx card on Fulton Mall last October, I predicted that the ‘Rx’ would mean how ‘really excited’ Brooklynites and New Yorkers will get about a free prescription discount card that helps them purchase the medications they need. Here we are nearly $900,000 in Brooklyn savings later — $4.5 million citywide — and it’s apparent that the BigAppleRx card is just what the doctor ordered for saving money on life-improving — and life-sustaining — prescription drugs,” said Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.
The card provides discounts on prescriptions including brand name and generic medications, flu shots, and some over-the-counter medications, such as smoking-cessation aids and diabetes supplies.
“We are pleased that New Yorkers who don’t have adequate prescription drug coverage can use this card for the medicines that help them take care of their health,” said Dr. Amanda Parsons, deputy commissioner of the Health Department.
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