Weekend Subway Service Advisory

January 5, 2012 Editorial Staff
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Customers may visit www.mta.info and check out The Weekender, whichtakes over the front page of MTA.info each weekend. The Weekendermakes it easy for subway riders to visualize exactly how weekendwork will affect subway service. In addition, TripPlanner+ providestravel information that takes weekend service diversions intoaccount.

These weekend changes are taking place because of capitalconstruction work on the MTA New York City Transit subway system.This work is part of NYC Transit’s ongoing Capital RebuildingProgram aimed at upgrading and maintaining our tracks, stations andsignal systems in order to continue to provide customers with safeand reliable service. For more information on the 2010-2014 CapitalProgram log on to www.mta.info/capital. Customers who rely on theselines should allow for additional travel time.


At all times until summer 2012, 1 trains bypass the downtownplatform at Dyckman Street due to station rehabilitation. Customerswishing to travel downtown are advised to take the uptown 1 trainfrom Dyckman Street to 207th Street and use a free MetroCardtransfer to the downtown side.


From 4 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 10 p.m. Sunday, January 8,downtown 2 trains operate express from East 180th Street to 3rdAvenue/149th Street due to track panel installation at East 180thStreet.


From 10 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 5 a.m., Monday, January 9, 2trains run local in both directions between 34th Street-PennStation and Chambers Street due to switch renewal north of 14thStreet.


From 10 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,there is no 3 service between 34th Street-Penn Station and New LotsAvenue due to switch renewal north of 14th Street. 2 and 4 trainsprovide alternate service.


From 10 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9, 4train service is extended to and from New Lots Avenue replacing the3 in Brooklyn due to switch renewal north of 14th Street. Trainsrun local in both directions between Atlantic Avenue and New LotsAvenue.


From 10 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,downtown 4 trains run express from 14th Street-Union Square toBrooklyn Bridge due to work on the Broadway/Lafayette-to-BleeckerStreet transfer construction and station painting at Astor Placeand Spring Street.


From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday, January 7 and from 8 a.m. to10 p.m., Sunday, January 8, downtown 5 trains run express from East180th Street to 3rd Avenue-149th Street due to track panelinstallation at East 180th Street. Note: Trains run every 20minutes during this time.


From 10 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,downtown 6 trains run express from 14th Street-Union Square toBrooklyn Bridge due to work on the Broadway/Lafayette-to-BleeckerStreet transfer construction and station painting at Astor Placeand Spring Street.


From 11 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 4:45 a.m. Monday, January 9,free shuttle buses replace A trains between Beach 90th Street andFar Rockaway due to track panel installation from Beach 67th toBeach 60th Streets. (Repeats next two weekends.)


From 6:30 a.m. to midnight, Saturday, January 7 and Sunday,January 8, downtown C trains skip 50th, 23rd, and Spring Streetsdue to electrical and substation work at Jay Street-MetroTech.


From 12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,Brooklyn-bound D trains run via the N from 36th Street to ConeyIsland-Stillwell Avenue due to station and line structurerehabilitation near 25th Avenue.


From 12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,E trains run via the F line in both directions between 36th Streetin Queens and West 4th Street due to work on the 5th AvenueInterlocking Signal System. E platforms at 5th Avenue, LexingtonAvenue-53rd Street and Court Square are closed.


12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,Brooklyn-bound F trains run via the A line from West 4th Street toJay Street-MetroTech due to electrical and substation work at JayStreet-MetroTech.


From 12:01 a.m. to 5:30 a.m., Saturday, January 7,Manhattan-bound F trains run local from Forest Hills-71st Avenue toRoosevelt Avenue due to track maintenance work between 65th Streetand Northern Boulevard.

F, G

At all times until spring 2012, F and G trains skip Smith-9thSts. in both directions due to station rehabilitation. Customersmay use the B61 for connections between Smith-9th Sts. station and4th Avenue-9th Street station, where F, G and R trains areavailable. Customers may also use the B57 bus for connectionsbetween Smith-9th Sts. station and Carroll Street station, where Fand G trains are available.

F, G

At all times until spring 2012, Brooklyn-bound F and ChurchAvenue-bound G trains skip 15th Street-Prospect Park and FortHamilton Parkway due to Culver Viaduct rehabilitation. To get tothese stations take the Brooklyn-bound F to Church Avenue andtransfer to a Manhattan-bound F or Queens-bound G. Leaving thesestations, customer should take a Manhattan-bound F or aQueens-bound G to 7th Avenue and transfer to a Brooklyn-boundF.


From 4 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 10 p.m. January 8, JamaicaCenter-bound J trains skip Kosciuszko Street, Gates Avenue, HalseyStreet and Chauncey Street due to track panel installation north ofHewes Street.

N, R

From 12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,uptown N and R trains skip Prince, 8th, 23rd, and 28th Streets dueto track replacement south of 28th Street and track maintenance at8th Street.


From 12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 5 a.m. Monday, January 9,N trains stop at DeKalb Avenue in both directions due to trackreplacement work at Atlantic Avenue.


From 12:01 a.m. Saturday, January 7 to 5 a.m., January 9, thereis no Q trains service between 57th Street-7th Avenue and ProspectPark due to track replacement work at Atlantic Avenue. For servicebetween 57th Street-7th Avenue and Atlantic Avenue-Pacific Street,customers may take the R or N instead. Free shuttle buses provideservice between Atlantic Avenue-Pacific Street and Prospect Park.(Repeats next three weekends in January and last three weekends inFebruary.)

S (Rockaway Shuttle)

From 11 p.m. Friday, January 6 to 4:45 a.m. Monday, January 9, Atrains replace S trains between Broad Channel and Rockaway Park dueto track panel installation from Beach 67th to Beach 60th Streets.Free shuttle buses replace A trains between Beach 90th Street andFar Rockaway. (Repeats next two weekends.)

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