POLICE BEAT: 62 Precinct

December 26, 2011 Heather Chin
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Between Thursday, December 15, and Wednesday, December 21, the 62ndPrecinct received reports of two robberies, four burglaries, twofelony assaults, 12 grand larcenies and three auto thefts – anincrease in felony assaults and grand larcenies since last week(December 8 to 14). Compared to this time last month (November 17to 21), there were fewer robberies and auto thefts.


A 45-year-old man was arrested for allegedly violently resistingarrest after being observed tossing a bundle of seven glassineenvelopes and a zip bag of crack to the ground near what policedescribe as a drug prone location near 16th Avenue and 76th Streetat around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20, police said.


A 32-year-old woman was allegedly shoved to the ground and robbedof her designer pocketbook and accessories while walking near 21stAvenue and 71st Street at around 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 21,said police.

A 27-year-old man was allegedly attacked with a knife by two whitemales at 86th Street and Bay 35th Street shortly after midnight onMonday, December 19, said police. The victim sustained lacerationsto his nose, left cheek and back of the head that were treated atConey Island Hospital.


A 28-year-old Hispanic woman told police that she met a 25-year-oldblack man on a website specializing in classified ads and invitedhim over to her apartment, only to catch him red-handed ready tosteal her laptop.

According to her police report, the man then made her red-handed bypulling out a pocketknife, demanding money and then stabbing her inthe thumb before fleeing with the laptop.


Jewelry, a designer bag and $4,000 in cash were taken from a WestSeventh Street house at around 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 17,allegedly by someone who entered via a bedroom window, saidpolice.

Earlier that morning, an apartment on West 9th Street betweenAvenues O and P was allegedly burglarized and jewelry and $2,600 incash stolen, police said.

A grocery store at Highlawn Avenue and West Sixth Street wasburglarized at 2:40 a.m. on Thursday, December 15, the allegedthieves stealing $800, cigarettes and various Russian items afterbreaking the front gate lock, police said. Video surveillance wasavailable.

A bodega at 65th Street and 23rd Avenue was the target of burglarswho allegedly clipped the locks to the front security gate beforebreaking the front door, stealing $4,000 and cigarettes, and thenfleeing shortly after 11 a.m. on Friday, December 16, said police,who are reviewing surveillance video.


An 85-year-old Bensonhurst woman was duped out of $2,900 after aman claiming to be her adult grandson – who lives in Georgia -called and said he’d been in a car accident in Peru and neededmoney, said police. The woman wired the money in her grandson’sname, later finding out that the man was an impostor.


A 2002 black Ford was taken while idling outside a bagel shop atKings Highway and West Ninth Street where the driver had stopped atabout 5 a.m. on Tuesday, December 20, said police.

A 1989 black Infiniti was reported stolen from its parking spotoutside a house on West 10th Street near Kings Highway some timebetween 9 p.m. Thursday, December 15, and Sunday, December 18,police said.

A 2008 gray Audi was stolen while the driver was making a fooddelivery on 84th Street near 23rd Avenue, said police.

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