EDITORIAL: Generosity on display

December 22, 2011 Editorial Staff
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Thanks to all the readers of The Home Reporter andBrooklyn Spectator who contributed to the food drivelaunched last month by the newspapers.

The donations amassed added up to about 2,000 pounds of food,according to Tom Neve, the executive director of Reaching OutCommunity Services, which runs a supermarket-style food pantry thatwas the beneficiary of the effort.

We were delighted – but not at all surprised – by the outpouringof support for the effort by community residents, who are among themost giving people in the borough of Brooklyn.

Our thanks must also go to City Councilmembers Vincent Gentileand Sara González, State Senator Marty Golden, Assemblymembers AlecBrook-Krasny, Nicole Malliotakis, Peter Abbate and William Coltonand Congressmember Michael Grimm, all of whom hosted drop boxes intheir offices over the last month. In addition, we give our specialthanks to Three Guys from Brooklyn, which hosted a drop box andalso contributed several cases of food to Reaching Out.

The steady stream of canned, jarred and boxed food brought intoour office and the other drop-off locations means that many of ourneighbors who have strained means will have a joyful holiday, withplenty to fill their bellies.

Nonetheless, this effort is just a beginning. Hunger is ayear-round problem that must be addressed 12 months a year, notjust during the holiday season.

That is one reason that this newspaper will do other drives tohelp people who are less fortunate in the future, as we strive tohelp create a better tomorrow, a sentiment we know will resonatewith the residents of southwest Brooklyn, who are themselvesengaged in a similar effort.

May all of our readers have a joyful holiday season – one filledwith love and full of the knowledge that the best gift of all isthe satisfaction that comes from giving.

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