It’s party time on Fifth Avenue
It’s time to celebrate.
On Monday, December 12, the Bay Ridge Fifth Avenue BusinessImprovement District will hold its annual holiday party at the BayRidge Manor, 476 76th Street, beginning at 6:30 p.m.The eagerly-awaited event – which is sponsored by Marathon Bank –is an opportunity to bring all the people together, the merchantsand the property owners, in order to promote the avenue, explainedBasil Capetanakis, the BID’s vice president. We feel that ifpeople get to know each other, there’s a betterrelationship.Not that the party is limited to those doing business along thestrip, which runs from 65th to 85th Street. We’d like to bring inpeople from outside the area to see the avenue, how beautiful itis, and see what we do, Capetanakis stressed.BID officials also want to recognize their own. Both Marathon Bankand Mike and Christina Neamonitis, of Mike’s Donut Shop, will behonored for their contributions to the avenue, saidCapetanakis.Marathon, he noted, is one of the best supporters on the avenue,contributing to events to promote the avenue. As for Mike’s,Capetanakis said, It’s been there for years, a family-operatedbusiness, a mom and pop business that is doing an excellent job forthe area.Admission to the party is $20 per person, and includes all food anddrink. Attendees should also bring a new, unwrapped toy to be givento a child in need.We are spreading the holiday spirit, Capetanakis stressed.Leave a Comment
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