ASK THE DA: Week of November 17

Due to an increasing number of requests related to theft of cellphones, this week’s column will highlight tips distributed by theNew York City Police Department to avoid becoming a victim of theftof electronic devices.
Always be mindful of your surroundings and do not becomedistracted by your electronic device.
Keep your electronic devices out of sight.
When carrying laptops or tablets, try not use traditionalcarrying bags so that the contents are not as obvious.
Avoid using electronic devices on the subway, and if doing sodo, not sit near car doors.
Close or silence your cell phone so that the ringer does notbring attention to you in public.
Consider using hands-free devices when using your cellphone.
Never give your cell phone to a stranger. If the situationappears to be an emergency, offer to place the call.
If a stranger asks you for the time, do not remove your cellphone to answer the inquiry.
Always report suspicious activity to the police.
Use the password lock feature on your electronic device, whichwill stop unauthorized users from changing the settings and gainingaccess to your personal information.
Keep a separate record of serial numbers for all of yourelectronic devices.
For Apple Products, consider activating the Find my I-Phonefeature.
Register your devices with the New York Police Department’sOperation ID Program. Visit your local police precinct to haveyour electronic devices registered and marked with invisiblepersonal information.
Immediately report a stolen phone or electronic device to thepolice.
To have future questions or concerns answered please forwardyour inquiries to www.asktheda.org.
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