GENERALLY SPEAKING: Week of October 20

October 21, 2011 Theodore W. General
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Retired U.S. Army Colonel Eileen BonnerBill GuarinelloKirsten Gillibrand‘s Strengthening NewYork’s Military Communities conference.

Bonner attended at the behest of the FHCAC, whose members arevery concerned about possible deep Defense Department cuts thatcould result in the ultimate closure of Fort Hamilton. SenatorGillibrand is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Moreon this next week.


Congratulations to Bay Ridgeite Matt Daus


Stop by Skinflint’s on Fifth Avenue and 79th Street, hoist a wetone and give a hearty handshake to Proprietor JerryBell for coming to the rescue of Hinsch’s. Bell hopes toreopen the much loved, vintage ice cream parlor and luncheonetteearly next month.


Another lively monthly meeting of the Bay Ridge AARP. StateSenator Diane Savino (D) and AssemblymemberNicole Malliotakis (R), addressed the group.

One of the thorniest issues before Albany lawmakers now isredistricting. Both Savino and Malliotakis strongly re-stated theirpositions, favoring an independent redistricting commission to setcongressional, state senate and assembly district boundaries.

Currently, as a result of redistricting back in 1980, Bay Ridgeis carved up into five assembly districts. Malliotakis presentlyrepresents the 60th A.D. portion of the community.

Congressmember Mike Grimm‘s Brooklyn OperationsDirector Nick Curran spoke aboutthe Veterans’ Appreciation Breakfast being held at the FortHamilton Community Club on November 7 at which Grimm, who is one ofthe event’s sponsors, will speak. If you’re a veteran and want tobe included, please call 646-322-2145.

According to Bay Ridge AARP President PeterKillen


Nearly 700 concert-goers attended the big Doo-Wop Spectacularhosted by Radio Disc Jockey Dennis Dion Nardone atFort Hamilton High School. The event was organized by singerJoe Cavanna and classmate TonyMazza

Who remembers those big Rock and Roll Shows by Alan Freed andMurray the K, at the Brooklyn Paramount and Brooklyn Fox Theaters?Three of the original acts from those great shows performed onstage at Fort Hamilton. They included Shirley AlstonReeves from the Shirelles, two of the original singersfrom Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers and the Fireflies.

Also on the bill were Mazza and Cavanna singing with theExcellents and their old group, the Classmates. Proceeds from thebenefit went to the school’s PTA. Running the 50-50 and pleasedwith the turnout was FHHS PTA President ChristineMadias.

What a great day for Principal Jo Ann Chester!Her Tigers football team clawed neighborhood rival New Utrecht HighSchool 36-6, at Homecoming Day on the athletic field and werefollowed that evening by a very successful rock and rollconcert.


The parents, students, staff and alumni of Fort Hamilton HighSchool are getting ready to celebrate the 70th anniversary of theopening of the Shore Road school in 1941. On Saturday, November 19,there will be tours of the school from 4 to 6 p.m., a musicalpresentation in the auditorium at 6 p.m. and a buffet dinner anddance in the school gym, from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., sponsored bythe FHHS PTA and Alumni Association. Tickets are $50 each. Forreservations and more information contact Fran DePrima,718-748-1537, Ext. 1503.


Our Lady of Angels School and the Holy Angels Catholic Academy,337 74th Street, are holding a Hall of Fame induction ceremony andreception on Saturday Evening, October 22. Inductees includeFather Francis LabitaJohn GrayJoeMoranJane Robinson.Music will be provided by the Whippoorwill Band featuring JudgeMatt DEmicJohnLePore and Paul Cassone; all graduates ofOLA School.


The newest members of the Society of Old Brooklynites are NewYork State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Schack andDemocrat District Leader Dilia Schack


Kings County 14th Regiment Re-enactors, known as the Red LeggedDevils dressed in Civil War uniforms participated in the recent30th annual Brooklyn Columbus Day Parade on 18th Avenue. The groupis also commemorating the 150th anniversary of the start of theCivil War.

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