Telecom students help the hungry
Hunger frequently hits home in more ways than anyone is willingto acknowledge.
That is why the students at Bay Ridge and Sunset Park’s High Schoolof Telecommunications held a food drive last year, collecting 300pounds of canned and non-perishable goods for hungry New Yorkers.Their actions earned them recognition from the national SchoolsFight Hunger program.Telecommunications HS, located at 350 67th Street, is one of fewerthan 2,000 schools labeled a National School of Distinction for the2010-2011 school year.The Schools Fight Hunger program is a two-year-old initiativefocused on connecting and celebrating schools nationwide working totackle the hunger cause. For more information on the program and tosee the profile pages of all of the honorees, visitwww.schoolsfighthunger.org.Leave a Comment
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