Local cop honored for heroism

A 62nd Precinct cop whose heroic efforts in pursuit of a trio ofrobbery suspects left him fighting for his life, in 2010, receivedone of the NYPD’s most prized honors, the Assistant Chief PatrickD. Brennan Police Officer of the Year Award, during a movingceremony held outside the headquarters of Patrol Borough BrooklynSouth.
Detective Carlos Olmedo – who spent 10 days in a coma and wentthrough months of rehabilitation after being struck by a vehicle ashe attempted to catch the robbery suspects – accepted his awardwith quiet dignity, as Deputy Inspector James Rooney, thecommanding officer of the 62nd Precinct; Assistant Chief ThomasChan, the commanding officer of Brooklyn South; Chief Joseph Fox,the prior C.O. of Brooklyn South who now heads up the NYPD’sTransit Division; and fellow officers from the 62nd Precinct lookedon.
Olmedo, like other police officers who have received the BrennanOfficer of the Year award, exemplifies Chief Brennan’s life andspirit, noted Chan, who described in detail the May16 incident inwhich Olmedo was injured. Olmedo, he said, showed, determination,courage and spirit, and turning to the honoree, he added, Carlos,you make us very proud.
Martin Brennan, one of Chief Brennan’s sons, thanked the NYPDfor the ongoing honor of keeping his spirit alive and doing it inthe most appropriate way possible.
While it was Olmedo who was honored for his extraordinaryheroism, Brennan made the point – facing a sea of blue-uniformedofficers — that every single person I am looking at here would dothat if confronted by a similar situation.
I know Chief Brennan is smiling on us today, remarkedMonsignor Robert Romano, the NYPD chaplain who delivered theinvocation and the benediction.
Chief Brennan died in 1999. The award named for him has beengiven since 2000. In 2001, the award was given to all the membersof Patrol Borough Brooklyn South for their perseverance anddedication to duty during and after the 9/11 attacks.
Other prior recipients have included P.O. David Regan, of the62nd Precinct, who received the award posthumously in 2000; 67thPrecinct Detectives Robert Parker and Patrick Rafferty and 78thPrecinct P.O. William Rivera, who all received the awardposthumously in 2004; 70th Precinct Detective Dillon Stewart andP.O. Francis Hennessy, who received the award posthumously in 2005;and 71st Precinct Detectives Russel Timoshenko and Herman Yan, whoreceived the award in 2007, Timoshenko posthumously.
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