Police Beat: 86th Street stabbing update

September 29, 2011 Heather Chin
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The suspect wanted for stabbing two men near 86th Street andFourth Avenue in the early evening hours of Wednesday, September21, has been arrested, said police. He was found with the knifeallegedly used in the attacks shortly after the attacks tookplace.

As reported in last week’s issue of The Home ReporterThe attacks were allegedly prompted by the refusal of both victimsto give the suspect money. The first victim was stabbed in the leg;the second victim was stabbed in the back. Both are being treatedfor their injuries and are expected to make a full recovery.

The suspect was caught and arrested at 92nd Street and Fifth Avenueafter a brief chase from the 86th Street station by on-duty 68thPrecinct cops, as well as one off-duty officer.

Captain Richard DiBlasio of the 68th Precinct commended hisofficers for doing what they are trained to do, that is,securing the crime scenes, tending [medically] to both victims,and implementing a perimeter search which resulted in theapprehension of the offender within just a few minutes of theattacks’ occurrence, part of a continuous event that began withthe first assault.

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