GENERALLY SPEAKING: Week of September 22
The nation’s commander-in-chief President Barack Obama issued aproclamation from the White House naming this past Friday,September 16, as National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
Locally, in commemoration of the observance, the Fort HamiltonArmy Base held their annual ceremonies on the large grassy knoll infront of the military reservation’s garrison headquarters and mainflagpole. A color guard of soldiers from the recruiting battalionpresented the colors with Captain ChristinaMouradjian singing the National Anthem.
Base chaplain Major Richard Garvey gave theinvocation and Charles Salloumconducted the Missing Man Table ceremony. After presentingwelcoming remarks to the troops present, ex-prisoners of war,veterans, members of Rolling Thunder, elected officials andcommunity leaders, garrison commander, Colonel MichaelGould turned the podium over to keynote speaker,Lieutenant Colonel Richard Davis
Then, a squad of soldiers came forward to lower the hugeAmerican flag that flies over the base and fold it according toprecision military protocol, as the Veteran Corps of Artillery,wearing their vintage War of 1812 dress blue and gold uniforms,fired a 21-gun broadside from the post’s three cannons.
Among the members of the Fort Hamilton Citizen Action Committeepresent were your correspondent and past Garrison DeputyCommander Linda Duncan. Also on hand for the impressiveevent were State Senator Marty GoldenDianeSavino; Assemblymember NicoleMalliotakis; New York State Supreme Court JusticeJohn IngramJudyCollins; Larry MorrishSylvia Laughlin; retired CommandMajor Sergeant Juan CaezLee Anderson
Continuing their stunning winning streak from last year, FortHamilton High’s PSAL champs, routed Campus Magnet HS, 30-21. Theprior week, the Fort Hamilton High School Football AlumniAssociation celebrated the 20th anniversary of varsity football atthe Shore Road School.
During the halftime break, Dr. Alice FarkouhVinnieLaino and 12 past gridiron stars including current coachDanny Perez were formally recognized.
After the game, a reception was held at the Salty Dog restauranton Third Avenue, where we had a chance to talk to Farkouh andLaino. Farkouh told us she interviewed 30 candidates for the job offootball coach before choosing Laino, a Brooklyn native, who as ayoungster played for Brooklyn Tech.
Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz hadanother spectacular annual book festival in and around the area ofBorough Hall. It had to be his largest ever with nearly 260 authorsparticipating.
After touring the many tents and booths by authors and vendorsthat brought thousands of fairgoers to downtown Brooklyn, we sat inon a panel discussion at nearby St. Francis College, titled, Let’sTalk Politics, featuring former Congressmember MajorOwens and NY1 TV Political Director BobHardt
Earlier we had a chance to talk with authors BrianMerlis and LeeRosenzweig
Don’t miss the first annual Teen Idol competition and show onSaturday, September 24, at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Angelsauditorium. Tickets are only $10 each with the proceeds going tothe Kassenbrock Brothers Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The Bay Ridge Community Council holds its next monthly meetingon Tuesday, September 27, on the second floor of the Guild forExceptional Children, on 68th Street just off Third Avenue. Amusical program will be presented by the group’s Arts and CultureCommittee co-chaired by Karen Tadross and AnthonyMarino and the council’s special guest speaker willCaptain Richard DiBlasio
Credit Inna Trinidad
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