Parkville Youth presented with awards
The youngest players in the Parkville Youth Organization’sbaseball program took center stage recently, when PYO held anawards ceremony.
The ceremony was held at Parkville’s field on 65th Street – andparticipation awards were handed out to every player in the Pee Weedivision, in which the four to six-year-olds get their first tasteof the quintessential American sport.Like the older kids in the Junior Minor, Minor and Major divisions,the Pee Wees learn the basics of baseball, and they also learnimportant life lessons, said Bob Cavaliere, PYO’s director ofpublic relations.We teach them to respect authority, to respect the players ontheir team and to respect other teams and their players, Cavaliereexplained. We also try to instill self-esteem. Everybody plays.Nobody sits on the bench . Everyone has the opportunity to reachtheir full potential as ballplayers.And that’s not all. The bottom line is to have fun, stressedCavaliere.Leave a Comment
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